
Milky Fangs

Say what? Milky Fangs? So what if my site is named after my cat, Nosferatu, who I did not name by the way. The shelter picked her up as a stray and since she wasn’t chipped and they couldn’t find her ower(s) Nos ended up being put up for adoption. The woman said that they came up with the name because she reminded them of the vampire in the 1922 German unauthorized and unofficial adaptation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. Don’t ask me why they thought of it, I knew the title but didn’t know anything about it otherwise.

Here is a picture of my cat’s vampire namesake.

Nosferatu promotional still

Not much of a similarity is there.

I really don’t call her Nosferatu though. Her names are: Nos, Nosi, and sometimes Ratu when she is being ornery. In the cute sense, not in the literal sense.

ornery ôr′nə-rē adj. Mean-spirited, disagreeable, and contrary in disposition; cantankerous.

Amber Reigh avatar
Amber Reigh
Hi, my name is Amber. During the day I am a data analyst for an insurance company at night I am a recreational writer. You've found my blog. How nice. I don't have a specific topic that I write about. I am not a full time foodie, adventure traveler, or fashionista, though I have been known as anyone of those at various points in my life. My writings tend to slant toward geekdom and fan culture I've enjoyed throughout the years.